Healthy and nutritious food is one of the most important thing for our baby's growth, all human beings consist of what they eat, size, growth rate, appearance, and, indirectly mood and behavior. The flaw appears in children, and then when adults, mostly because of the type and quality of food eaten, especially during periods of growth. Adverse impact of poor diet is embodied in the bone structure, general health, nervous system, weakness of the immune response to infections like the common cold. Very simple: the food we eat, especially in the growth period, must contain the largest possible number of dietary factors and in their natural condition. Whole Foods, food that has suffered the least disturbance is the key to good health. Nature provides the right balance of food factor. When we remove one factor, the effectiveness of the food to be very different from that in its natural state.
Milk is an excellent example of food as a whole, is very important for growing children. Certified milk is better. Because not heated, no value has been destroyed.
honey is also very good for the baby's growth because of the honey contains a variety of substances that are healthful and very useful for children and adults, honey can increase a child's appetite and may be a good nutrition for infants perncernaan. Honey has many benefits and very good for humans.
Raw vegetables and fruit next to the importance of phytonutrients and fiber. Vegetables, when cooked, should be done lightly, keeping kerenyahan, color and aroma. Raw vegetables and fruits should be chopped fine for small children. The whole fruit is better than just juice. Unless the fruit has been grown without toxic sprays, it must be peeled. Two or more servings of fruit every day is a must in every child's diet. Grain foods, like whole wheat bread, brown rice and wheat are nutritious and important, but not necessarily represent the bulk of the diet. baked beans, peanuts, hard cheeses, tofu, soy milk, peas, and muesli is a good source of protein.
Without hesitation the whole plant foods, like nuts, seeds, avocado, olive, soybean, and linseed oil is known as a source of good fats. Fresh, fertile eggs from chickens raised on the land, should be eaten once a day if possible. Meat, especially liver, beef, lamb and poultry, could be included in one meal a day. Pork and beef, which is not easily digested, should be presented less frequently. Ham and bacon is better for children than fresh pork. Fish is the most desirable, especially marine fish because of their generous supply of minerals and omega 3 fatty acids. Serve as often as possible. Sweets should be limited to natural foods that contain sugar, such as fruits, honey, root vegetables, or their slightly-refined sugar, such as unsulphured molasses, brown or raw. soft drinks, coffee and tea had no place at all in the diet of children. An endless variety of special meals are available; wheat flour cookies, dried fruits, nuts, fruit candy, popcorn, sunflower seeds, pumpkin and soy beans as snacks.
Eating habits are not inherited. If the whole family follow the diet nutrition, then the child will grow to like things are so good for him ... bread wheat, certified milk, raw fruits and vegetables.
Remember that a child will learn to like the food if you offer him for the first time when he / she is hungry, and if he saw other people eating them with delight. Keeping your diet is also important in order that children can live healthy, regular. Do not let our children forget when its time to eat and when to play if this is allowed, do not surprise your child will live in an irregular pattern.
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