The internet is a very significant invention of modern science. Email is a very important part of the internet system. Email is a content of internet by which a person can continue his/her business, communication and sending important data. However, in recent years the email is not safe from cyber criminals. Every day lots of people become victims of cyber criminals.
Connecting computer with internet is unsafe now. Trojans, malware, worms, viruses, spyware, and spam are spreading everyday all over the world via emails. The virus writers are using the email as a good media for spreading viruses.
Actionable steps to protect email
The primary measures for securing email account are to be careful in the selection of passwords, backups of data, and permissions for file transfer. These measures are not all the security of an email account. At the present time email user should also use anti adware, antivirus software, anti-spyware, personal firewall, and software for browsing. This software is available on the market. Some of them are available to everyone without any cost and some of them are packed which are available at a higher rate. Among these are some software operated by the operating system of a computer on an automatic basis, and some software works on the command of the user. The operator can control its work by command. Therefore, this software depends on the effectiveness of the operator.
In the case of protection of a computer, firewall is in first place. Firewall has a particular process. Here it only allows the computer to connect with trusted websites. All software and hardware works here like a fence surrounding the computer. Software and hardware firewalls use different methods to keep the computer and the network safe. Users can also set the working procedure of the firewall. The user can also allow some exceptional websites and program which at the first time was not allowed. In modern times, the virus creators are using email to spread viruses all over the world. They attach different virus affected files to an email. When the user opens it and activates it, and then the virus can cause complete damage to the computer.
Responsibility of the user
The email user should keep complete attention on their email account. We know that the virus writers send different virus to other peoples email account. Therefore, it is the duty of the email user to avoid the attached files and others from unknown email accounts. Phishing is another problem concerned with email. Some hackers send email demanding passwords and personal information. This mail source shows an authorized source, but they are false emails. If a user sends the password and personal information, then the hacker can hack the mail id in a few seconds. Here is one thing you should keep in mind, no authority will ask for updating the information via email. For instance, a bank will never send its subscribers to update the details. To guard the computer from internet and email base viruses, and user should use antivirus software and it should be updated regularly. Sometimes porn websites spread virus, so opening an email and downloading the contents from these websites should be avoid.
Important advices for email security
Now days, email keeps a significant role in the sphere of communication. Like all other technology, email is also facing an uncongenial environment. At some point in time, the email users are victims of a breach of email security. At which time, the users are significantly damage by the criminals. There are some solutions to getting rid of unexpected breach of personal information saved on the internet. Even though total escape is not possible, we can reduce our damage by following these rules.
1. We use public computers, for instance: cybercafé, universities and colleges. When we go to open the email account, the computer will ask to save the log in information in the computer memory, the user should click on never button to prevent the computer from saving the log in information.
2. When creating an email account the user should make a hard or strong password. The user should avoid a simple and easy password. That is why during recent times many email service suppliers suggest to create a larger password. In some places like mig33 and some other social networking companies, make it obligatory to provide a password, which contains both letter and number. A strong password can secure the email account.
3. The past letter system is altered by the email system. A person can send important files or materials via email in attached files. It is the duty of a user to scan the attached files before downloading them. Sometimes the cyber criminals use email as the media to spread viruses as well as spyware. Scanning attached files before downloading it can be a good way to be safe from email viruses as well as spyware.
4. Saving the password in the web browser can be a great mistake in the case of email security. If one person saves his/her email password in browser then another person can enter into his/her account by using that computer which can cause great damage to that email user.
5. The email user should backup his/her email account on regular basis. That can save him/her from email hacking.
6. The email user should not share personal information involving the email account. Sometimes hackers send for password conformation mail to get the password. If the user sends his/her password to the email as a reply then the hacker gets the chance to hack the account. Therefore, it is the duty of the user to avoid sharing password and personal information with other people.
7. Maintaining several email accounts can be a good idea. A person can open several email accounts for various purposes. There can be different email accounts for business, social networking, friends, and so on. If an account is suspended or hacked, then the user can communicate and be saved by using throwaway mail accounts and other email accounts. The user can warn the other people using throwaway mail accounts about any latest viruses, which cause the suspension of that, email account.
8. A person should not preserve his/her contacts and important addresses in the throwaway mail account.
In the mentioned steps, an email user can stop a breach of email security. These steps can be very effective in safeguarding against the hacking of an email account. Every email account holders should follow those steps. B wu
tanks for the information. very usefull.