Do you need or looking for a babysitter, while you can work or for several hours while enjoying a night out, there are some things you need to know about choosing the best babysitter for your child.
The process of choosing a babysitter a little to make us confused, but you must make sure with turned to family, neighbors, or co-workers in offices that already have or use the services of a babysitter who they would recommend as a caregiver who can be trusted and reliable, you can also ask your doctor for help your child's babysitter or the nearest service agent who can you trust the quality of their babysitter.
Once you get a list of potential babysitters of your choice, you first must be able to interview them. Finding out their experiences during a babysitter at home the other ladder and see how they interact with you, your children and your brother. If you have a baby, I suggest you need to make sure they have adequate skills and experience with first aid for your baby to their own.
After you, conduct preliminary interviews, short list of candidates remaining babysitter. Then ask them to come to your home and spend some time with the kids. You have to step out into a position where you can see and hear but where either the child or caregiver can see you. This will give you an overview of how the caregivers interact with children.
There are several basic babysitter should know before leave to care for your children.
1. Encourage your child and the babysitter you out of the house throughout the whole day to go shopping or on vacation your babysitter premises so that they will feel familiar with your house and where things are located.
2. Making books a major concern, emergency plans and the first treatment if you have a small accident or injury to the caregiver.
3. We inform and ensure the location of first aid supplies and fire extinguishers, as well as candles and flashlights if the power goes out.
4. If your child has special needs let the babysitter know. Such as whether your child if sleeping in bed, and often had nightmares, insomnia, or have allergies or are there for your child's food supplies are exhausted. So talk to your babysitter about the problem and leave the list to be printed and read by your babysitter.
5. Tell your babysitter about the rules relating to Watching TV, When time to sleep, your friends come home your child, what snacks should be eaten. Also you have to let caregivers know what you consider acceptable discipline and what is not allowed.
6. Leave a telephone number or cell phone where you can be contacted and telephone number of your family, can your husband or your parents if the babysitter can not contact you. Or conversely you can find your babysitter phone number to be contacted.
7. Tell caregivers if they are allowed to answer the phone or using the telephone. Explain how you want messages taken and what they have to notify the call.
8. Make sure your hopes and wishes can be conveyed clearly to the babysitter in order to leave the babysitter at home to take care of our children with confidence.
9. Leave special instructions about medications and let caregivers know what drugs they are allowed to manage without prior approval, if any. Instruct caregivers to not leave your child alone even for one minute. Remind them about the dangers of water including bathtubs hazard where a child can drown in just a few inches of water.
10. If your children are very young make sure caregivers understand about how to cut a small food and what food or goods may cause choking hazard. Make sure the sitter understands that food is safe for consumption by our children. Remind caregivers hazards such as plastic bags, balloons, ladders, and the hot stove.
11. Make sure the list also has a home address and phone number. In an emergency babysitter may become confused and forgetful.
12. Give the babysitter for a vacation because it is necessary for caregivers did not experience a heavy burden for your work at home. And give them more money so they feel welcome and appreciated in working with you.
When you return to talk with your children by way of conversation about their time with babysitters. Let them tell you all about it! What are they doing, what the nurse, if she pleasant but firm, if he means. account the time your child will tell you if this is your caregiver can continue to use, if you have to cover a few things, however, looks promising, or if you need to find someone else.
Your babysitter is an extension of you, so be sure to take time and choose the good. If your child safe and happy you can relax and do what you should do. This, win for everyone!
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